Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Rockies - our favourites

The Rockies were truly spectacular - a highlight of the trip so far, no photos really do them justice. We spent a week seeing incredible scenery and walking, wearing all our warm clothes at once.

Our favourites were Moraine Lake (just outside Lake Louise, seen here at about 7.45 in the morning) and Peyto Lake the glacial lake with a shape like a bear.


At 12:49 PM, Blogger Shaun Dix said...

Mr & Mrs Kav,
Briliant photos, what a beautiful place huh - I agree, a definite favourite! It reminds me of my trip there / certainly a place worth going back to!
ON Vancouver - you are there now! Discover the West Coast - go to Tofino and find a boat to take you to the smaller islands... there is noe that has a youth hostel on and about 2 other people living there. it is just perfect! Fantastic actually! You'll love it!
See ya & enjoy

Shaun & Inga


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