Monday, June 04, 2007

Big Sur

The road up the coast from Santa Barbara to Monterey is superb. The low cloud cover and mist added to the ruggered nature of the views.


At 8:35 AM, Blogger Shaun Dix said...

Superb, aweome / just amazing to see your pics and experience part of your trip online. Looking at your latest pics of Santa Barbara gave me flash backs of the Cape in RSA.... made me think... is life worth all the rush... well, yes. But just have to ensure the free time used to the max....
Well today we are doing just that!
We'll be off to a wine tasting with the wine maker from Beaumont Winery, he is here in Hamburg, DE.... and there is a braai included.
Pity Inga cannot drink - yip you guessed right. November. You better get over here before that!!!

Cheers guys keep the pics and news flowing - I read your blog regularly and it keeps me thinking .... life is good!

Shaun, Inga & Mini Dix.


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