Thursday, March 08, 2007


Bring on NZ. As our round the world ticket only allows us one stop in Auckland we had to transfer directly through to Christchurch in the South Island. Fortunately we managed to meet up with Justin (Scarab) and Kath who are getting married in May for a quick drink in the airport, where we were introduced us to our first Kiwi beers.

Christchurch was great and as the most English of the NZ cities it doesn’t disappoint as they have punting and the typical cathedrals and pubs. We stayed in Christchurch for 3 nights and managed to stay at 3 different places hence the photo of us walking around with the backpacks. This is the first photo of us as true backpackers. I must stress that the bag on my shoulder doesn’t contain Em’s excess clothing but our Pilates mats!!


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