Thursday, February 15, 2007

Blog Update

As you will notice there has been some blog silence over the last couple of months. Unfortunately, while we were in Sydney back in December my Mom was diagnosed with advanced cancer of the liver and colon. They successfully operated in mid-December removing a number of tumours from the liver, several lymph nodes and a large piece of the colon.

Being back home at this time with my family was more important to us than seeing the Australian sights so we flew back to SA to spend Christmas, New Year and my mom’s birthday with her and the family. The great news is she is now firmly on the road to recovery. The surgeon was happy with the operation and the oncologist is optimistic about her chemotherapy. She still has a long road ahead of her but the prognosis is positive.

Keep being strong and fighting hard Mom!!!

We started travelling again at the beginning of February so if all goes well and we manage to find decent internet access the blog will now be updated regularly. We head to Melbourne and Ayers Rock next before flying to New Zealand. We’ll be in NZ for about 2 months and then head to Fiji and the west coast of the States before heading back to the UK around late June.


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