Saturday, May 26, 2007

Cava Drinking, Crab Racing and Church

Every night the resort had activities, not your usual .... one of the things that was done every night was Cava drinking with the staff. Cava's a naturally grown root that when it is mixed with water is a herbal narcotic ... supposedly harmless, but banned in Europe and the US (not comforting!). It tastes disgusting, dirty washing-up water.

One of the evening activities was Hermit Crab Racing, everyone had to pick a crab and they raced out of a sand circle - Steve's lucky number 13 won, the grand prize - a beer.

On Sunday we went to Chruch, it was Mothers Day and the staff dressed us all up in local Fijian outfits - very sexy!

We did venture out to a private island for a picnic, really peaceful - lunch was bought out to us and laid out on plant leaves for us to eat -how spoilt is that.


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