Thursday, February 15, 2007

Australia - Perth and witnessing history at the WACA

We were initially supposed to fly directly from Johannesburg to Sydney but as we changed the date of our flights we needed to fly via Perth. This was a bit of a bonus as we could then spend a couple of days seeing a city on the west coast. We walked our legs off round the city, finishing up in the enormous Kings Park with amazing views over the Swan River.

We had to climb a huge set of stairs called Jacobs Ladder to get there, people were using the stairs for exercise in the late morning heat - madness!

Out hostel was just around the corner from the WACA and fortunately (for Steve) Western Australia was playing a day/ night game against New South Wales. We got to see history on 2 fronts: we were part of the smallest crowd ever to attend a game – just over 1000 people. We also saw the fastest domestic 100 by Luke Ronchi – he scored a 100 off 56 balls.


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