Thursday, November 30, 2006


We stopped off in Yeppoon to stay with some of our mates from the UK. Rob, Leigh and Cassidy moved back to Australia from the UK just over a year ago. They live about 100m from the beach in a wonderful house.

My how things have changed. Rob, a true South African is now wearing an Australian hat and a vest. He was the deputy head master at a school in the UK and is now...deputy Stud master at St Brendan's colledge .. he's also the dean! His prime repsonsibility is to oranise the annual rodeo. The kids, predominantly cow boys also call him Wusty. As they have grown up calling people by a nick name or first name they don't call the teachers Mr or Mrs. Rob said one of the teachers looks like Clarke Kent so the kids genuinely call him Superman.

Rob took us for a day trip to a neaby creek where we saw 4 snakes, one about 6 inches from my foot.

Yeppoon is also home to the scond largest fruit bat colony in Australia. At dusk these little devils take off and the entire sky turns black.


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